Saturday, 1 December 2012

Rest In Peace, Club Leswe


By: Refilwe T.Tau

- They said it’s the fight against the selling and drinking of alcohol in Gaborone.

- My life is back to square one again. Because I was one of the few citizens who did business by G-west bars.

I don’t know where the name comes from. I found it being used even when I was a little girl. I don’t know whether it’s the type of people who used to go there or what. What I know is that G-West Club had a combination of different types of customers on a daily basis. Gays, lesbians, gentlemen, the stingy and just the ordinary individuals were loyal customers there.

Then this tragic thing happened. First it was the kitchen then the whole building. Bangs and booms could be heard from a distance as we witnessed the burning down of my favourite spot. Satchmos Jazz Joint and G-west Club were the best things I have ever experienced in my youthful and tertiary life. For me they were the best joints in Gaborone.

But on this day I witnessed as the silent killer engulfed the whole building and left it only in ashes. I don’t know to this date what could have caused the fire but witnesses said that it was gas from a cylinder that caused the fire, but loyal customers labelled this death as another trick to get rid of mushrooming clubs in Gaborone. They said it’s the fight against the selling and drinking of alcohol in Gaborone.

I might find myself agreeing to this conspiracy theory because first it was Ozone Nite Club dying the same death then Club Leswe, my favourite. Ozone was the love of the town around year 2006. Every youth was proud to be found was the hottest joint a tertiary student could be found at. Then the fire came and demolished it. It was then that the customers moved to ‘Leswe’ which, not long after, died from the same “natural causes.”

My heart is still bleeding from the incident and whatever thing that has killed my friend ‘Club Leswe’ has brought great misery to my life. My life is back to square one again. Because I was one of the few citizens who did business by G-west bars. People from the said club were my greatest customers. With the club I was able to put bread on my family’s table. Now my braai and pap are back at home with nobody to buy them.

I miss you ‘Leswe’ and will always do. There will never be a place like you in Gaborone. Rest in peace ‘Club Leswe.'

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