Monday, 5 November 2012

Why Do We Bleach Ourselves When Black is Beautiful? Guest Post by Tlhompho Segokgo

When Black is White
Black is beautiful. Or is it? This statement has over the years been phenomenally used, mostly by the black community to curb the perceptions of an ancient world (which surprisingly still exists) that only whites are beautiful. But can we really blame the bearers of this bizarre opinion? I know I don't.
Perhaps, dear readers you are wondering why I'm going on and on without getting to the point. I'm trying to find a way of being polite as this is a very sensitive issue. At the back of the not so old boutiques of Gaborone Station sits ample women who I believe to be terrorists. Skin terrorists to be precise. Should a dark skinned girl/lady pass in between their stalls they'll unashamedly stop her and ask her if she does not want a cream that can make her lighter than she already is. I've been one of their "potential clients," I had just gotten out of the combi and as I walked past them in their very white attire, one of them shouted in a Zezuru inspired accent, "Sorry mama ha o bate hu nna mosweu?" As though I did not hear her properly, I turned back and begged her pardon. She smiled at me as she repeated herself. Though I detest these creams. I was tempted to give her the benefit of the doubt and pretend as if I was interested in buying her products. She had no idea what my mind was going through the entire time she tried explaining to me how to use it. There I was, looking at her orange looking face. The green protruding veins looked like they were going to burst out of her skin. As my eyes were all over the place, I looked at her hands and I got the shock of my life. Dear Lord! This woman's hands looked like they weren't hers. Not her face. The hands were dark. Very dark!!

So my question is this Dear Reader, why do we want to bleach ourselves when it is obviously detrimental to our health? I am not going to talk about Michael Jackson or any South African female celebrity.

Maybe skin bleaching affects our mental state.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much my darlin,thats the reason why i love yu,yu never beat aroound that bush,i love and respect that Miss T,keep it up....I can back that up,Mshoza here in RSA,has done the same bleacheing her skin,she is looking terrible now...Tell me if i am lying....artists e.g thr late MJ had the surgery,when he was initially born looking good,why hasnt he accepted himself...when they know that these chemicals are not good for the skin.
